Think Harder

Work Faster

Create Better

Think Harder

Thinking harder than the average

Right brain: the team

According to some human resources gurus, IT-minded people who are placed among their own kind in a great working environment (foosball and coffee on tap are a must !), tend to develop their team spirit, motivation and creativity. It would be a worry if they didn’t !

Actually enjoying getting up for work in the morning is the secret to our creativity. Our team still enjoys getting together after work for an evening meal of traditional Lyonnais mâchon or to cheer on Olympique Lyonnais, the local football team; but we are also ready and willing to fire up our neurons and roll up our sleeves to help you out.

Left brain: motivation

We believe that the stick and carrot approach has a negative influence on the desire to create. We much prefer our own method, based on each person being accountable and autonomous, because this generates genuine motivation around your project.

Each Gone* is recruited for their proven WinDev, WebDev, WinDev Mobile expertise. Their personal/professional background is a source of enrichment for the other team members and our clients. Which is all really convenient when you can't find what you're looking for in existing software programs and you are looking to develop your own application !

*[translator’s note: local Lyonnais word to describe a native of Lyon]

Work Faster

Create Better

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